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Database Management Systems

Dharma/SQL ODBC Driver

Dharma Systems, Inc.

Dharma/SQL ODBC Driver allows GUI tools and applications to access andmodify data in any proprietary (non-SQL) Database Management System.Dharma/SQL ODBC Driver brings plug-and-play interoperability toproprietary database environments. Users of the proprietary database canuse off-the-shelf GUI tools to access and modify data in the proprietarydatabase. The off-the-shelf software packages that the ODBC driversupports include tools that perform database query and analysis, databasedevelopment, report generation, spreadsheets, word processing, andgraphical tools. Dharma/SQL ODBC Driver is layered on Dharma/SQL Networkfor client-server communications. Dharma/SQL Access provides SQLcapability to the proprietary database management system.The Dharma/SQL ODBC Driver executes SQL statements by sending SQLrequests to a server mahcine running Dharma/SQL Access. The ODBC Driveruses the client-server facilities provided by Dharma/SQL Network to talkto the server mahcine. Dharma/SQL Network supports communicationsbetween heterogeneous machines and currently is based on the TCP/IPprotocols.The ODBC specification defines conformance levels for drivers in twoareas: the ODBC API and the ODBC SQL grammar. The ODBC API defines a setof core functions that correspond to the functions in the X/Open and SQLAccess Group Call Level Interface Specification, and two extended sets offunctionality -- Level 1 and Level 2. ODBC also defines: a core grammarthat corresponds to the X/Open and SQL Access Group CAE SQL draftspecification (1991); a minimum SQL grammar to meet the basic level ofODBC conformance; and an extended SQL grammar to provide for common DBMSextensions to SQL.The Dharma/SQL ODBC Driver currently conforms to the Core and Level 1ODBC API and the minimum and core SQL grammar specifications. Theextended SQL Grammar features supported by Dharma include date and timedata types, outer joins and scalar functions.The Dharma/SQL ODBC Driver has been designed to perform well inproduction environments encompassing both OnLine Transaction Processing(OLTP) and Decision Support System (DSS) applications. Since Dharmaprovides both the ODBC Driver and the SQL back-end technolgy, it has beenable to design a complete system which can deliver production-qualityperformance for tools based on the ODBC interface. The performancefeatures provided by the ODBC Driver include the following: ODBCapplications can transparently get "Static SQL" performance for repeatedexecutions of the the same SQL statements with different arguments. Thisis based on the relational algebraic tree caching provided by Dharma/SQLAccess. This significantly increases performance in an OLTP environmentby avoiding repeated parsing/optimizing of SQL statements. ODBCapplications transparently get the performance fo array fetching whenusing the single fetch interface since the ODBC driver buffers theresults from the server. This significantly decreases the number ofclient-server interactions on the network and increases the client-serverperformance.

Language: C++
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: Dharma/SQL Access, Dharma/SQL Network
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0

Dharma Systems, Inc.
15 Trafalgar Sq
Nashua, NH 03063
Phone: (603) 886-1400
Fax: (603) 883-6904